Perception of RAS-produced Fish – The View of Private Consumers and Fine Dining Chefs in Germany

Published: 29 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jnbcyx6mfr.1
Christopher Shaw


This data was collected during a study on the perceptions of RAS-produced fish in Germany. In the discussion of expanding sustainable aquaculture production in the EU, recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) adopt an increasingly important role. While capable of mitigating certain environmental externalities commonly found with other forms of aquaculture and enabling the intensive production of safe and healthy aquatic products, RAS are also characterized by higher investment and operating costs which require higher sales prices. Incorporating principles from the theory of planned behavior, multi-attribute attitude models and a taste test, this research investigates consumers’ and fine dining chefs’ perception of RAS-produced fish using the example of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). While perception and stated purchase intention of RAS-produced pikeperch is generally positive, results reveal a comparably small portion of consumers willing to pay above average prices. Healthiness related aspects are of greatest relevance to both investigated groups and regression analysis shows that personal norms and moral obligation are significant positive predictors of consumers’ purchase intention.



Leibniz-Institut fur Gewasserokologie und Binnenfischerei


Aquaculture, Sustainability, Willingness-to-Pay, Marketing Models in Food Marketing, Consumer Perception, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Theory of Planned Behavior, Multiple Linear Regression
