Multi-omics data integration provides insights into the post-harvest biology of a long shelf-life tomato landrace

Published: 28 May 2021| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/jnhhh4v9zm.3
Riccardo Aiese Cigliano,


In this study we investigated the transcriptome and epigenome dynamics of the tomato fruit during post-harvest in ‘Lucariello’. ‘Lucariello’ belongs to a group of landraces collectively known as ‘Piennolo del Vesuvio’. This dataset includes: - RPKM expression values from three post-harvest stages of Lucariello fruits, time points RD0, RD60 and RD150. Each group has three biological replicates. The listed loci are from the Lucariello reference genome - Raw expression counts of miRNA from the same samples - DNA gene methylation levels from the same samples, divided for CG, CHG and CHH context - ChIP-seq peaks for H3K4me3, H3K9K14ac, H3K27me3 from the same samples, two biological replicates



MicroRNA, Transcriptomics, DNA Methylation, Plant Senescence, Histone Modification
