Odocoileus virginianus collected from mid-Missouri, November 2014 and 2016 hunting seasons
See Johnston, Lyman, and Cowgill (in prep) for further details. Metapodia from 64 white-tailed deer were obtained from wild-shot individuals during the first weekend of the central Missouri firearm hunting seasons, November 2014 and 2016.
Steps to reproduce
Carcass weight to the nearest pound was obtained from each deer carcass minus distal limb elements, viscera, hide, and head. Sex was recorded at time of butchery as male, female, or lacking head upon delivery but assumed male (NHM). Fusion was recorded to estimate ontogenetic categories following Purdue (1983a): unfused epiphyses (<20 months for females, <17-23 months for males), fused epiphyses with visible growth plate (20-29 months for females, and 23-29 months for males), and fused epiphyses with no remaining growth plate (29+ months for males and females). Linear skeletal measurements (MC/MTDW, MC/MTPW, MC/MTPD, and MC/MTPAR) taken following Purdue (1983b). Cross-sectional geometry was derived from midshaft sections and processed using ImageJ and MomentMacro (Ruff 2006). cuberoot_Hamerstrom_CamburnWt represents the cube root of the full live body weight calculated from the dressed body weight following Hammerstrom and Camburn (1950). Sample sizes vary between metacarpals and metatarsals because some epiphyses were damaged during disarticulation and processing, and fewer forelimbs than hindlimbs were available due to trophy skinning techniques. Citations: Hamerstrom, F.N., Camburn, F.L., 1950. Weight relationships in the George Reserve deer herd. J. Mammal. 31:5-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1375470. Purdue, JR. 1983a. Epiphyseal closure in white-tailed deer. J. Wildlife Manage. 47:1207-1213. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3808195. Purdue, JR. 1983b. Methods of determining sex and body size in prehistoric samples of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 76:351–357. Ruff, CB. 2006. Moment macro for NIH Image and Image J. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/fae/mmacro.htm eds Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore.