#10LAM 2018.12.10 - 2018.12.14
Dataset that collects tweets between December 10th and December 14th in 2018 with Twarc. Twarc is a tool by Documenting the Now: http://www.docnow.io/#tools The Municipal Archives Laboratory is a biennial event that was created in 2000 and has been consolidated as the professional day of municipal archivists and archivists, organized by the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Diputació de Barcelona, the Town Council of Barcelona and the Association of Archivists-Document Managers of Catalonia. On December 11th, the 10th edition was held, entitled "The data revolution", which took place at the CaixaFòrum in Barcelona. El 10è Laboratori d’Arxius Municipals: l’11 de desembre al CaixaForum de Barcelona - arxivers https://arxivers.com/el-10e-laboratori-darxius-municipals-l11-de-desembre-al-caixaforum-de-barcelona/ S'acosta el 10è Laboratori d'Arxius Municipals | Comunitat de la Xarxa d'Arxius Municipals http://xam.diba.cat/news/2018/10/31/sacosta-10e-laboratori-darxius-municipals El Laboratori d’Arxius Municipals arriba a les dues xifres - Arxivers la DaDa http://arxivers.com/ladada/el-laboratori-darxius-municipals-arriba-a-les-dues-xifres/ Ja tenim el tríptic-programa del 10è Laboratori d'Arxius Municipals | Comunitat de la Xarxa d'Arxius Municipals http://xam.diba.cat/news/2018/11/23/ja-tenim-triptic-programa-del-10e-laboratori-darxius-municipals Hashtags: #10LAM Dates: 2018.12.10-2018.12.14 Number of Tweets: 805 Size (Hydrated): 4,58 megabytes
Steps to reproduce
Download & Install Twarc: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#install Download and archiving: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#usage twarc search '#10LAM since:2018-12-10 until:2018-12-14' > 10LAM-search-2018.12.10-2018.12.14.jsonl And Hydrate the dataset: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#hydrate twarc dehydrate 10LAM-search-2018.12.10-2018.12.14.jsonl > 10LAM-search-2018.12.10-2018.12.14-ids.txt