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21 results
- Data for: Cultural spaces and climate change: modeling Holocene archaeological settlement patterns on the coastal plain of the Southeastern United States.JMP files
- Dataset
- Data for: Weaving People and Places: Landscapes of Obsidian Circulation in NW Argentina. A long-term view (ca. AD 100-1436)Dataset contains a table summarising the authors' survey of published and unpublished obsidian provenance data (references available in the Supplementary material of the article); two reports on obisidian artefacts from NW Argentina produced by the archaeometry laboratory at the University of Missouri for the article authors.
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- Data for: Endowment, Investment, and the Transforming Coast: Long-Term Human-Environment Interactions and Territorial Proprietorship in the Prince Rupert Harbour, CanadaSupplemental Table 1 is an excel table of radiocarbon dates from sites GbTo-185, GbTo-183, and GbTo-64, which together form a constellation of sites that indicate persistent use of a particular area in the Prince Rupert Harbour even as relative sea level fell through the Holocene. Some of the dates from GbTo-185 are previously unpublished until now. Supplemental Table 2 is an excel table of radiocarbon dates from shell-bearing sites in the Prince Rupert Harbour area and calculations of accumulation rates between vertically sequenced pairs of dates.
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- Data for: Pottery technology as a revealer of cultural and symbolic shifts: Funerary and ritual practices in the Sion ‘Petit-Chasseur’ megalithic necropolis (3100-1600 BC, Western Switzerland)This Microsoft Excel file provides the detailed list of all potsherds and vases analyzed in our study on pottery technology on the megalithic necropolis of Sion 'Petit-Chasseur' (Switzerland). It includes inventory numbers, indications of structures, stratigraphic levels, chronological attribution, as well as typological elements, decoration, and weight.
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- Data for: Population growth and material culture patterning in the Neolithic eastern MediterraneanSupplementary tables
- Dataset
- Data for: "A Niche of Their Own: Population Dynamics, Niche Diversification, and Biopolitics in the Recent Biocultural Evolution of Hunter-Gatherers"Hunter-gatherer cross-cultural data and global human population data for Stutz, Aaron Jonas (accepted) "A Niche of Their Own: Population Dynamics, Niche Diversification, and Biopolitics in the Recent Biocultural Evolution of Hunter-Gatherers." Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.
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- Data for: Illuminating High Elevation Seasonal Occupational Duration Using Diversity in Lithic Raw Materials and Tool Types in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, USAThis file includes raw numbers of lithic artifacts from datasets from the Absaroka Mountains and the Beartooth Mountains. They are organized by tool type (bifaces, scrapers and drills/awls), raw materials (chert, chalcedony, obsidian, petrified wood, quartzite, silicified siltstone and volcanic) and time period. The time periods are as follows: Late Prehistoric (200-1,500 cal BP), Late Archaic (1,500-3,200 cal BP), Middle Archaic (3,200-5,700 cal BP), Early Archaic (5,700-8,500 cal BP) and Paleoindian (8,500-12,000 cal BP). In addition, this file includes calculations for the Shannon and Weaver and Simpson diversity indices using these data. Finally, the file includes a comparison of the Shannon Diversity Index and sample size.
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- Data for: Royal funerals, ritual stones and participatory networks in the maritime Tongan stateGeochemical analysis of stone burial stones from Tonga using pXRF and LA-ICP-MS
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- Data for: Late Pleistocene human occupation in the Maloti-Drakensberg region of southern Africa: new radiocarbon dates from Rose Cottage Cave and inter-site comparisonsLithic measures and modelled date ranges for five sites, with groupings for statistical comparisons.
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- Data for: Stylistic variability on bone tools from Low Paraná wetland. Late Holocene, Argentina.Stylistic features of bone tools from the Low Paraná wetland
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