Utilisation and perception of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among patients in Bangladesh
A total of 1,183 data were collected through the structural questionnaire to capture participant’s sociodemographic characteristics, self-reported illness, healthcare services and perception of CAM during December 2019 to May 2020 from Government Unani and Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Data were used to investigate the utilisation and perception of CAM among patients who received treatment from this health facility. Logistic regression model was used to find the association between utilisation of CAM healthcare services and participant’s characteristics. Sixty-seven percent patients received healthcare services productive age group (18 to 65 years). This study found that socioeconomic status (age, educational background, marital status, employment status, and income quintiles) were statistically significant with the utilisation of CAM (p=<0.05). About 67% of the patients reported that they used allopathic medicine before using CAM for similar disease. The most frequently CAM treatments were Ayurveda (48%) and Unani (45%). The most common reasons for utilisation of CAM were its perceived effectiveness, fewer side effect and people advised them to use it. Moreover, most of the patients were satisfied with CAM treatments and they were willing to advice others to use CAM.