Dataset: Decoding social decisions from movement kinematics

Published: 21 June 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/jrtjw734r3.2
, Andrea Cavallo, Luca Romeo, Massimiliano Pontil, Alan Sanfey, Stefano Panzeri, Cristina Becchio


The following dataset contains kinematic data of the Ultimatum Game (UG) task. All info about columns are available in the sheet named "CulumnInfo". Brief description of the task: Participants played as responders in two experimental sessions of a motor version of the UG. They were told that they would play the game in real-time with another person connected via a computer interface. The offer could be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 out of €10. Brief description of the procedure: Each trial started with a green fixation cross for 1 s presented at the center of the screen, followed by a silhouette of the proposer's face with the message ‘[Name of proposer] is thinking...’ (e.g., ‘Laura is thinking...’). This screen could last 2, 3, 4, or 5 s. The offer then appeared (e.g., ‘Laura’s offer is €4’), remaining visible for 3 s. Participants were instructed to make their choice within this time window by reaching out, grasping, and moving one of two cylinders placed in front of them at a comfortable reaching distance (44 cm from the table edge to object), 18 cm to the left and right from body midline. The cylinders were labeled ‘accept’ and ‘reject'. The ‘accept’ and ‘reject’ labels assigned to cylinders were counterbalanced across sessions.



Decision Making, Action and Motor Control
