Ten ensembles hourly meteorological 3D dataset at high spatial resolution for severe rainfall event over Egypt
We present here new dataset of ten ensembles for severe rainfall simulations at high spatial resolution at 10 Km (120 grid points) over Egypt using numerical weather research forecast model version 3.8 (WRF 3.8). The vertical grid is 41 level from surface to 10 hpa. The defined domain extended from 24 E to 36 E as Lambert Projection. The ten ensembles are generated based on 10 different microphycis schemes within WRF model. The severe event occurred between 26 to 29 October 2016. Final Analysis (FNL) meteorological fields is used as boundary and intiial conditions every 6 hours at a spatial resolution of 1°×1° from National Center for Environmental Predictions (NCEP). The geographical static input data such land use, albedo, terrain height are interpolated and prepared using geogrid program in the WRF preprocessing system (WPS). The dataset is unique and it is the first of its kind. It fills the exsiting gap for high resolution data over Egypt based on numerical physically baesd weather model.