Hydrogen escape at Earth
Published: 14 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/js7bwkx9ry.1
Pratik JoshiDescription
This data set consists 320 rows and 5 columns (F10.7 index, exospheric temperature (Texo), exobase hydrogen density ([H]exo), total vertical flux (phi), thermal Jeans' flux (phiJ)). Each row is an independent estimate based on an inverse-theoretic derivation of parameters using TIMED/GUVI Lyman-alpha limb scans spanning 2002-2007.
Steps to reproduce
Please refer to the manuscript for details about methodology used to derive the data. The plots in the manuscript can be recreated using the data in a straightforward way without need for any additional calculations. Please email the corresponding author (ppjoshi2@illinois.edu) with related questions.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Radiative Transfer, Charge Transfer, Hydrogen, Earth, Lyman-Alpha Galaxy, Atmospheric Dynamics