Data for: A Fast Gamma-Ray Dose Rate Assessment Method for Complex Geometries Based on Stylized Model Reconstruction
Published: 29 June 2019| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/jsjnbddhdk.4
Yong-kuo LIU, Meng-kun Li, Minjun Peng, Nan Chao, Li-qun YangDescription
"experiment 3.2.rar" is the experiments results of part 3.2 of paper. In this file, the .3DS format files are 3dsMax model; txt format files are results of SPK code; mc format files are results of MCNP. "FDConvertFactor.mdb" is the convert factor usd for MCNP. "point kernel data.rar" is the database used in SPK code.
Experimental Design, Database