Haanes et al 2019 Cosm review raw data

Published: 20 November 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jstffs8z54.1
Hallvard Haanes,


Raw data set for Data in Brief for Haanes et al (2019): Realism and usefulness of multispecies experiment designs with regard to application in radioecology: a review. Here we present details on the search parameters for our four-tiered ISI search , inclusion criteria for the review, the pre-defined questions and answers for an objective review, as well as the output per reviewed study (raw data) and the R script used for analyses of this data set.


Steps to reproduce

ISI Web of Science four-tier search (see Data in Brief for search params and inclusion criteria), using the template with questions and answers to arrive at the cvs data set for 406 included and reviewed multispecies studies (see attached list of reviewed studies), which was analysed with the attached R script.


Literature Review, Microcosm Study
