Data for: Primary or secondary? A dichotomy of the strontium isotope anomalies in the Ediacaran carbonates of Saudi Arabia
Published: 29 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jsz7gydbyg.1
Huan Cui, Andrey Ivantsov, Jeff Smith, Philippe Claeys, Peter Trusler, Fayek Kattan, Steven Goderis, Haibo Zou, Patricia Vickers Rich, Alan Kaufman, Peter Johnson, Xiao-Ming Liu, Abdullah Yazedi, Ashraf Qubsani, Thomas RichDescription
Chemostratigraphic data of the Ediacaran strata in Saudi Arabia
Geochemistry, Diagenesis, Precambrian Era, Biogeochemistry, Neodymium Isotope, Strontium Isotope, Geobiology