Integrating behaviour into the pace-of-life continuum: Divergent levels of activity and information gathering in fast- and slow-living snakes
Gangloffetal2017_TongFlickTimeMovingData.csv SnakeID: Letter/number code for each individual animal Ecotype: Source population is either Meadow (M-slow) or Lakeshore (L-fast) Population: Three-letter code for population of origin Trial: Number of behaviour trial for this individual Sex: Male (M)/Female (F) BodyTemp: Body temperature of snake immediately after behaviour trial (in degrees C) FlickRate: Number of tongue flicks exhibited per second TimeMoving: Proportion of time spent in the "moving state" in this trial Gangloffetal2017_RawMovementDataData.csv SnakeID: Letter/number code for each individual animal Ecotype: Source population is either Meadow (M-slow) or Lakeshore (L-fast) Population: Three-letter code for population of origin Trial: Number of behaviour trial for this individual Sex: Male (M)/Female (F) Time: Time marker on video recording (in s) X: X-coordinate position (in cm) Y: Y-coordinate position (in cm) Distance: Distance moved since previous time step (in cm)