On the Role of the Matrix in the Strength of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Ceramics
Finite Element Program for Fracture Mechanics of Ceramic Matrix Composites This static dataset contains the Julia source code for a Finite Element program designed to analyze the fracture mechanics of ceramic matrix composites. The code produced the results discussed in the paper: "On the role of the matrix in the strength of carbon fiber-reinforced ceramics" If you use or find these codes useful, please cite this dataset and the paper as: @article{VIGLIOTTI2024105227, title = {On the role of the matrix in the strength of carbon fiber-reinforced ceramics}, journal = {Mechanics of Materials}, pages = {105227}, year = {2024}, issn = {0167-6636}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mechmat.2024.105227}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167663624003193}, author = {Andrea Vigliotti and Ferdinando Auricchio and Damiano Pasini}, keywords = {Ceramics, Composites, Multiscale mechanics, Fracture, Phase field}, } Description of Files - fe_tools.jl Includes the module for handling the phase field model. - helper_funcs.jl Contains helper functions for solving the Finite Element (FE) problem. - solver.jl Contains the main solver. - mesh_files Directory containing the meshes of the models. - AD4SM Directory containing the package for handling automatic differentiation and element generation. To add this package via Julia's package manager, run: ``` ]add AD4SM ``` or ``` ]add https://github.com/avigliotti/AD4SM.jl ``` - qs_cm_hex1x1x1nL20_r500L1100lc0125lcf0500AT1nhl0500*.jl Sample scripts to launch simulations for specified boundary conditions and models. --- Solver Expectations 1. Mesh Directory: The solver expects to find the mesh files in the directory named `mesh_files`. This can be changed by passing the relevant parameter to the solver. 2. Output Directories: - JLD2 Files: The solver writes output files in JLD2 format to the `jld2_files` directory. - Paraview Files: The solver writes Paraview-compatible files to the `vtk_files` directory. If these directories are not present, they will be created automatically. Ensure the program has write privileges to these directories. --- Julia Installation Julia can be downloaded and installed from the [official website](https://julialang.org/downloads/). --- These source code can also be found at https://github.com/avigliotti/CMC_fracture
Steps to reproduce
In order to run one of the example simulation 1) install julia 2) add the following packages: AD4SM, WriteVTK, AbaqusReader, FileIO, Dates 3) copy the files and directories in the dataset in a local folder 4) at the julia prompt type include("qs_cm_hex1x1x1nL20_r500L1100lc0125lcf0500AT1nhl0500psi18t.jl") or at command prompt julia ./qs_cm_hex1x1x1nL20_r500L1100lc0125lcf0500AT1nhl0500psi18t.jl
Italian Aerospace Research Program (PRORA)