green manufacturing data
This data contains the raw information gathered from 385 supply chain officers/practitioners of manufacturing firms in Ghana. It provides the questionnaire's constructs and their associated items or indicators and codes. The data is useful for research related to green manufacturing, dynamic capabilities (internal and external), eco-regulatory compliance and sustainable performance (economic, social and environmental). Based on this data, an empirical paper submitted to Heliyon revealed that green manufacturing, dynamic capabilities and eco-regulatory compliance positively affect the sustainable performance of manufacturing firms in Ghana.
Steps to reproduce
the data was gathered by first drafting the questionnaire and getting it reviewed and approved by some selected research experts and supply chain practitioners. the questionnaire, after obtaining first approval, underwent pretesting to further check for validity and reliability (reporting the Cronbach's Alpha values). After passing the reliability test, the instrument was distributed to the respondents using the online or web-based tool, popularly known as Google forms. The data collection exercise lasted for three months, giving every respondent an ample time to respond to the questionnaire voluntarily and under minimal interference. The respondents were also assured of data confidentiality and anonymity which encouraged them to provide accurate responses to build this dataset.