Instances for the Capacitated Mobile Facility Location Problem

Published: 12 March 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jtv74hkmfg.1
S. Raghavan, Mustafa Sahin, F. Sibel Salman


These data files correspond to p-med instances in Raghavan, S., Sahin, M., and Salman, F. S., "The Capacitated Mobile Facility Location Problem", published in the European Journal of Operational Research ( The zip file contains two folders named "heterogeneous_facilities" and "homogeneous_facilities". Each of these folders contains further subfolders named "large_C_over_F" (where the |C|/|F| ratio is greater than 10) and "small_C_over_F" (where the |C|/|F| ratio is less than or equal to 10). There are 28 instances in the "small_C_over_F folder" and 17 instances in the "large_C_over_F" folder. The tables in the paper report results for each of 28 instances (both homogeneous and heterogenous) in the "small_C_over_F" folders. The format of these data files is: |V| d_{1,1} d_{1,2} ... d_{1,|V|} d_{2,1} d_{2,2} ... d_{2,|V|} ... d_{|V|,1} d_{|V|,2} ... d_{|V|,|V|} w_{1} w_{2} ... w_{|V|} Q_{1} Q_{2} ... Q_{|V|} u_{1} u_{2} ... u_{|V|} q_{1} q_{2} ... q_{|V|} where: |V| is the number number of vertices; d_{i,j} (i,j = 1,...,|V|) is the distance between i and j w_{j} (j = 1,...,|V|) is the facility locations and weights, if w_{j} > 0, there is a facility located at j and w_{j} is the facility weight Q_{j} (j = 1,...,|V|) is the facility locations and capacities, if Q_{j} > 0, there is a facility located at j and Q_{j} is the facility capacity u_{j} (j = 1,...,|V|) is the client locations and weights, if u_{j} > 0, there is a client located at j and u_{j} is the client weight q_{j} (j = 1,...,|V|) is the client locations and demands, if q_{j} > 0, there is a client located at j and u_{j} is the client demand Further details on these instances are provided in the paper mentioned above.



Facility Location Modeling
