Graphene and metal oxides composites: Application as toxic gas sensors

Published: 27 June 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/jvs4nr5b74.2
Bruno Sanches de Lima


Modern advances in science and technology have improved the quality of human life and health significantly. Nevertheless, these advances also brought several problems. Among them, the need for real-time monitoring of toxic gases is one of the biggest and most alarming problems these days. There is a requirement for simple, sensitive, selective, and stable electronic sensors for either environmental monitoring or industrial applications. Graphene-based materials and nanostructured metal oxides have been pointed out as potential gas sensing materials due to its intrinsic large specific surface area and high electrical conductivity. More recently, nanocomposites have been prepared using graphene and nanostructured metal oxides. These nanocomposites are promising sensing materials because studies have shown they have good sensing properties close to room temperature. Additionally, laser-based techniques have attracted attention due to its great potential for synthesizing high-quality graphene-based devices. This methodology of synthesis have a great potential for mass production due to its rapid speed processing, nanometer spatial resolution and single-step process production that does not uses chemical reagents or high temperature. Within this context, this project proposes to study the sensing properties of nanocomposites fabricated with reduced graphene oxide and In2O3, ZnO e CuAlO2 nanoparticles Also, it is proposed to compare the sensing properties of sensors prepared with reduced graphene oxide obtained by traditional chemical route and by laser-based technique recently published.


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Details from each folder: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Reduction of Graphene Oxide: This dataset correspond to the characterization of Graphene Oxide reduced by different approaches. Inside the dataset there are five folders related to data from: 1. GO characterization; 2. GO reduced by heat-treatment; 3. GO solutions reduced with lasers; 4. GO films reduced with lasers; 5. Other characterizations; Each folder contains the characterization results of XRD, XPS, Raman spectroscopy, DSC, SEM, FTIR, photos, electrical analysis. All data are available in the CSV format or in png files representing the data plots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Defects on sputtered ZnO This dataset correspond to the characterization of ZnO thin films prepared by RF-Magnetron Sputtering under two different conditions. All folders are related to the results obtained from different characterization techniques In this part of the project samples are characterized by XRD, XPS, Raman spectroscopy, SEM, photoluminescence spectroscopy, and the gas sensing performance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. rGO-ZnO nanocomposites and gas sensing performance This dataset correspond to the characterization of rGO-ZnO nanocomposites prepared by laser reduction of GO and ZnO deposition by RF-Magnetron Sputtering All folders are related to the results obtained from different characterization techniques. In this part of the project samples are characterized by XRD, XPS, Raman spectroscopy, SEM, and the gas sensing performance assessed by measuring continuously the electrical resistance of the sensing devices


Universidade de Sao Paulo


ZnO, Laser Material Processing, Gas Sensor, Radio Frequency Sputtering, Graphene Oxide, Reduced Graphene Oxide
