Decision making in structural engineering problems under polymorphic uncertainty - A benchmark proposal

Published: 8 April 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/jw3wj5kwh2.2
, Martin Drieschner


Benchmark_frame_det_2018_08.m: MATLAB file executing an exemplary deterministic calculation of the portal frame portalFrame_2018_08.m: MATLAB file calculating the limit state function value for material failure g_mat [/], the limit state function value for stability failure g_stab [/], the horizontal displacement of the girder V_4 [m] and the vertical displacement V_8 [m] at the load position L_V [m] measData.txt: text file with 5000 artificial measurements during operation of the crane (without occurrence of failure). 1st column: measurement set [/]. 2nd column: horizontal displacement of the girder V_4 [m]. 3rd column: vertical displacement V_8 [m] at L_V. 4th column: load position L_V [m] AdditionalInfo.pdf: pdf file with additional information concerning the contribution "Decision making in structural engineering problems under polymorphic uncertainty - A benchmark proposal"



Data Assimilation, Benchmarking, Uncertainty Modeling, Decision Making
