
Published: 25 July 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jw9tpd3ggg.1
Mahmoud Ayyad


The data used for the journal paper submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. This data can be used under the GNU license. The data are divided as follows: 1) The hurricane parameters (central pressure (mbar), radius of maximum wind (nm) and hurricane's forward velocity (km/hr)) data, 2) The peak storm surge height in meters (maxele) at the shoreline for the Mont Carlo (MC) and Polynomial Chaos Exapnsion (PCE) data sets, 3) The peak storm surge height in meters (maxele) at the shoreline for MC and PCE data sets, and 4) The maximum current speed in m/sec (maxvel) just before the shoreline for MC and PCE data sets. In order to use this data, please cite the paper



Stevens Institute of Technology Charles V Schaefer Jr School of Engineering and Science


Sensitivity Analysis, Storm Surge, Tropical Cyclone
