Post-logging silvicultural effects on dung beetles in Malaysian Borneo

Published: 12 April 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jwdgdhr4zp.1
Gianluca Cerullo, Felicity Edwards , David Edwards


Species level dung beetle data collected in unlogged forest, logged forest left naturally regenerating and logged forest subsequently treated with vine-cutting and enrichment planting in Malaysian Borneo. The data comprises information collected across 4 different years, with baited traps set as transects within the three forest types. We explored the hypothesis that post-logging silviculture, through removal of important microhabitats, has deleterious consequences on dung beetle effective diversity, functional diversity and species composition. Contrary to this hypothesis, we found that dung beetle communities in intensively treated forest maintain similar effective and functional diversity to unlogged and naturally regenerating logged forest, with species composition in treated forest also similar to that in the naturally regenerating forest.



Forest Ecology
