Dataset for "Reluctant Leaders: Laboratory Evidence on What Motivates Pro-Social Influences"
Published: 2 September 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jwtgvw2zwf.1
Mauricio Fernandez Duque, Michael HiscoxDescription
This dataset corresponds to the experiment described in Fernández Duque, Mauricio and Hiscox, M., 2019. Reluctant Leaders: Laboratory Evidence on What Motivates Pro-Social Influence, mimeo. Harvard University. The paper is available at Most of the variables are the ones included in the analysis, and their labels correspond to the variable names used in the tables of the paper. The other variables are inputs to those variables included in the paper, as explained by their labels.
Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas, Harvard University
Experiment in Economics