The data and codes presented here allow to reproduce the Figures and Tables associated with the paper "Low pass-through and international synchronization in general equilibrium: reassessing vertical integration" by Greg de Walque, Th. Lejeune, A. Rannenberg and R. Wouters of which a previous and incomplete version has been previously released as National Bank of Belgium Working Paper n°386 under the title "Low pass-through and high spillovers in NOEM : What does help and what does not" Noteworthy, an online Appendix to the above mentioned paper is also available in the folders below. It also contains the Online Appendix which is not meant to be published by the journal to which the paper is submitted. ======================================================================= What these Figures and Tables reproduce is explained at length in these publications. The data, codes to reproduce these graphs and the way to proceed are described in the associated "Readme.docx" file.
Steps to reproduce
This is described at length in the Readme.docx file.