Data for: Solar Gasification of Grape Marc for Syngas Production: Solar-Dish-Coupled Reactor Basic Engineering and Optimization
The uploaded data consists of an Excel file that contains the simulation results for the solar-dish-coupled biomass gasification reactor within the grape marc production season. The data includes 134 days with 1-min resolution. It includes the solar irradiance experimental data, and the processed data for the all the variables related to the reactor and to the solar gasification process. The variables are described in the corresponding research article. Parameters and global result calculations are also included. The total syngas production from grape marc was calculated. The feasibility of reactor temperature control by manipulation of the biomass inlet was supported by the results. Global horizontal irradiance 1-min data, and hourly ambient temperature and wind speed were provided by Servicio Meteorológico Nacional of Argentina – official source. They were measured at the Mendoza Observatorio station.