1H MR Spectroscopy and Diffusion MRI data reveal recovery of metabolic and microstructural alterations in the brain of chronic mild stress exposed rats
The data comprises longitudinal 1H MR Spectroscopy (1H MRS) data from ventral hippocampus and in-vivo diffusion MRI (d-MRI) data of the brain from control and chronic mild stress (CMS) induced anhedonic rats. In-vivo 1H MRS and d-MRI data were acquired using a 9.4 T preclinical imaging system. Data was acquired at the age of week 18 (Week 1 post-CMS exposure), week 20 (Week 3 post-CMS exposure) and week 25 (Week 8 post-CMS exposure) in the anhedonic group and at the age of week 18 and week 22 in the control group. Diffusion MRI and 1H MRS data of anhedonic rat brain are in two different ".rar" files name as "Raw_d-MRI_In-vivo" and "Raw_data_MRS". Control data at week 18 named as Ctr1_"animal number" and at the age of week 22 named as Ctr2_"animal number". Data from the anhedonic group named after a three-digit arbitrary number, a week number post-CMS exposure and again a one or two digits arbitrary number. For example, 106W1_29 is an anhedonic rat at week 1 post-CMS exposure.