In-Canopy Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds Mixing Ratios at the Virginia Forest Lab

Published: 8 November 2022| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/jx3vn5xxcn.3
Deborah McGlynn, Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz


Two years (September 15th, 2019-September 14th, 2021) of biogenic volatile organic compound concentration data from within the canopy of a forest in Fluvanna County, Virginia. An associated manuscript is published in atmospheric chemistry and physics titled - "Measurement Report: Variability in the composition of biogenic volatile organic compounds in a southeastern US forest and their role in atmospheric reactivity". The doi for this manuscript is: 10.5194/acp-2021-416. The original version of this data set did not correct for when the data was sampled vs. when it was analyzed. The most recent version has been updated to reflect this and additional detail has been provided. Additionally, the calibration method for methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone has been updated in this version of the data set. Given these changes, we ask that you use the most recent version. Additional manuscripts associated with this data include: 'Minor contributions of daytime monoterpenes are major contributors to atmospheric reactivity' which discusses diurnal and seasonal variability found within the data and 'An autonomous remotely operated gas chromatograph for chemically resolved monitoring of atmospheric volatile organic compounds' which outlines the instrument developed for data collection and compound integration. This will be the final update of this data set. Data collection is ongoing indefinitely, but future additions to the data set will be migrated to Dryad. Please email with any questions you may have regarding data collection or the data set.



Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University The Charles E Via Jr Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering


Atmospheric Chemistry, Air Quality, Volatile Organics
