Active power load dataset - IEX data

Published: 7 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jxm8d4w4cv.1
Venkataramana Veeramsetty,
, Baddam Nikitha, Thallapalli Siddartha


Active power load dataset is developed by collecting the hourly load data from during the period between 01-01-2021 and 31-08-2023. During this period have total (365+365+243=973) days. Each day have 24 hours, and collected hourly load data, so total 23352 hourly load samples are collected from IEX. Reconstructed whole dataset in such a way that load at particular hour of the day is able to predict based on last two hours (L(T-1),L(T-2)) and last two days load data (L(T-24),L(T-48)), last two hours and last two days electricity price data (P(T-1), P(T-2), P(T-24), P(T-48)), season and day status (Day). Hence the developed load dataset has total 10 input features i.e. L(T-1),L(T-2), L(T-24),L(T-48), P(T-1), P(T-2), P(T-24), P(T-48), Season and Day. Whereas output variable or predicted variable is only one L(T). This whole dataset has total 23,304 sample and 11 features (10 input features and 1 output feature). Load values are in MW and price is in INR per MWh.



Energy Price, Electric Power, Electricity Deregulation, Electricity Market
