Fe-based Bulk Metallic Glass Alloys: Database (up to February 2020) and R code
Published: 1 October 2020| Version 5 | DOI: 10.17632/jy9skrx74g.5
, Javier MoyaDescription
Supplementary Material for the paper entitled: "Design of Fe-based Bulk Metallic Glasses for maximum amorphous diameter (Dmax) using machine learning models" (2020) The material includes: - The dataset containing the measurements of the maximum amorphous thickness (Dmax) for Fe-based Bulk Metallic Glass Alloys used to fit the model described in the paper (with data reported up to February 2020) - The R code to reproduce the analysis and to generate predictions for new alloys (Zip file, including a readme file for instructions)
Bulk Metallic Glass