The Effect of Neuromuscular Fatigue Created in the Core Region on the Biomechanics of Landing After Jumping
The aim of the study is to determine the effect of neuromuscular fatigue created in the core region on the biomechanics of landing after jumping. Healthy individuals aged between 18-25 years and without any musculoskeletal injury that prevented them from performing the jump test were included in the study. After the descriptive characteristics of the individuals participating in the study were recorded, cross-randomization was applied. Core region endurance was evaluated with curl-up test, static back endurance test (Biering Sorenson Test), horizontal side bridge test and prone bridge test. A fatigue protocol was created with the prone bridge test. The effect levels of the biomechanics of the landing after the jump after the application of the fatigue protocol of the participants was examined with the scores they got from the 'Landing Error Scoring System'. The study included 21 women (77.8%) and 6 men (22.2%) whose age was 21.74±0.23 (21-25) years, height 168.74±1.55 (156-190) cm, body weight 59.25±1.64 (46-80) kg and body mass index 20.78±0.45 (17.53-28.76) kg/m2. It was determined that the neuromuscular fatigue created in the core region of the participants did not make a difference in the landing error scoring system (p=0.545). On the other hand, it was determined that the results of the curl-up test and right horizontal side bridge test, in which are the endurance of the core region was determined, showed a negative linear relationship with the landing error scores after the jump obtained after the fatigue protocol. Increasing core region endurance of healthy individuals is associated with the response of lower extremity biomechanics to fatigue. Therefore, we recommend making endurance exercises for the core region a part of training programs. Keywords: core region, fatigue, endurance, biomechanic, risk of injury
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