PVRP-DC-SO instances
These are the 36 instances used in the article "The Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem with Driver Consistency and Service Time Optimization", written by Inmaculada Rodríguez-Martín and Hande Yaman, and published in …………….. These data files have the same format as the classical PVRP instances from the literature. We have kept this format, but in for the PVPR-DC-SO we skip some of the information in the files. The infomation we do not consider is: - The maximum duration of a route (denoted by D bellow) - The vehicles’capacity (denoted by Q bellow) - The service duration for each customer (denoter by d bellow) Taking this into account, the files are read in the following way: The first line contains the following information: type m n t where type = 1 (PVRP), m = number of vehicles, n = number of customers, t = number of days. The next t lines contain, for each day ,the following information: D Q where D = maximum duration of a route (0 means 'unbounded'), Q = maximum load of a vehicle. The next lines contain, for the depot and each customer, the following information: i x y d q f a list where i = customer number (0 corresponds to the depot), x = x coordinate, y = y coordinate, d = service duration, q = demand, f = frequency of visit, a = number of possible visit combinations, list = list of all possible visit combinations. Each visit combination is coded with the decimal equivalent of the corresponding binary bit string. For example, in a 5-day period, the code 10 which is equivalent to the bit string 01010 means that a customer is visited on days 2 and 4. (Days are numbered from left to right.)