Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) Departments Teaching Load - 2017 to 2021

Published: 28 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jyfmrm7pfv.1
Marcelo Ambrosio Stefanello


Dataset relating to the teaching load of Federal University of Santa Maria Departments, from 2017 to 2021. It was used for efficiency analysis of Departments' teaching load, using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Index. Column "UNIT" refers to the code of the center/campus where the Department is located. Column "DEPARTMENT" refers to the Department code. Column "PERIOD" refers to the academic semester to which the data refers. Column "TOTAL_TEACHING_LOAD" refers to the Department's total teaching load. (input) Column "UNDERGRAD_STUDENTS" refers to the total number of students attended by the Department at undergraduate level. (output) Column "GRAD_STUDENTS" refers to the total number of students attended by the Department at graduate level. (output) Column "UNDERGRAD_ADVISES" refers to the total number of advises provided by the Department at undergraduate level. (output) Column "GRAD_ADVISES" refers to the total number of advises provided by the Department at graduate level. (output) Column "UNDERGRAD_SUBJECTS" refers to the total number of subjects attended by the Department at undergraduate level. (output) Column "GRAD_SUBJECTS" refers to the total number of subjects attended by the Department in graduate level. (output) Column "CLASS_OCCUP_RATE" refers to the average rate occupancy of the classes attended by the Department. (output) Column "AVERAGE_TEACHING_LOAD" refers to the average teaching load per professor in the Department. (output) Column "GRAD_TEACHING_LOAD_RATE" refers to the percentage of the teaching load dedicated to graduate level in relation to the total teaching load of Department. (output)



Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


University, Public Administration, Data Envelopment Analysis, Higher Education, Teaching Context, Efficiency Analysis
