Data for: Phylogeographic and diversification patterns of the white-nosed coati (Nasua narica): Evidence for south-to-north colonization of North America.

Published: 29 November 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jzktdf5v9p.1
Sergio Nigenda-Morales, Robert K. Wayne, Gerry Booth-Binczik, David Valenzuela-Galván, Ben Hirsch, Maureen McColgin, Susan Booth-Binczik, John Koprowski, Katherine McFadden, Anna Lay, Matthew Gompper, Christine Hass, Karen Kapheim, Klaus Peter-Koepfli


The "Microsatellite_data.xlsx" file contains the raw genotype information of 11 microsatellite loci amplified in Nasua narica. The "Nasua narica_97_taxa_2201bp_alignment.nex" file contains the alignment of raw mitochondrial sequences from Nasua narica in addition to individuals from three outgroup species (Nasua nasua, Bassaricyon medius and Bassaricyon alleni).



Population Genetics, Biogeography, Microsatellite DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Phylogenetics, Phylogeography
