Observation-Based Estimate of the Carbonate System in the Labrador Sea

Published: 19 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jzp4dz77t4.1
Claire Boteler


The ocean carbonate system consists of pH, alkalinity, inorganic carbon and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, and during the current era of anthropogenic change, its dynamics are key for understanding changes in the ocean and its ecosystem over time. The dataset “results.nc” supports our study Boteler et al., (2025), “An Observation-Based Method to Estimate Carbonate System Variations in the Labrador Sea”. The focus of this study is to estimate the carbonate system in the Labrador Sea with time series methods, using direct observations from the ocean surface and interior, and chemical relationships between variables. Interior ocean observations are minimal for some of these variables, however, connections between the variables rooted in chemistry were used to create pseudo-observations using CO2SYS, increasing the information available. A state space model was designed that combined GLODAP and SOCAT observations along with pseudo-observations in a time series estimate of the carbonate system. The Labrador Sea between 1993 and 2016 shows increasing rates for DIC (0.57-1.16 micro mol/kg/year) and fCO2 (0.70-2.45 micro atm/year), as well as acidification via pH trends (0.0007-0.0018 /year). These ranges describe the scale of rates that are occurring at various depths through the water column, though they do not change linearly with depth. Largest rates are found at the surface for DIC, 500-1500 m for fCO2, and 500-1500 m for pH. Total alkalinity also decreased and is correlated with the freshening of salinity. With the core carbonate variables estimated, other aspects of the carbonate system are calculated using CO2SYS, such as the aragonite and calcite saturation states, the Revelle factor, and the carbonate species. Our method also calculates uncertainties that vary over time and depth based on the availability of observations and their variance. The dataset contains time series estimates of the carbonate system and related variables in the Labrador Sea, monthly for 1993-2016 for 20 depth-layers. The estimates are based on observations from GLODAP and SOCAT within the Labrador Sea area, which were grouped into monthly averages. Three types of data are available within the netcdf file “results.nc”: 1. The monthly averaged data that was used in our analysis 2. The time series results (with uncertainties) estimated with the state space method described in the paper. 3. Post-analysis calculation of other related variables.



Dalhousie University


Chemical Oceanography, Kalman Filtering, North Atlantic, Time Series, Ocean Acidification, State Space Model


Ocean Frontier Institute

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
