Dataset for the manuscript Multi-objective optimization for simultaneously designing active control of tower vibrations and power control in wind turbines

Published: 10 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k2h4pw9gfn.1
, Juan Garrido,


This dataset contains data and plots presented in the paper "Multi-objective optimization for simultaneously designing active control of tower vibrations and power control in wind turbines". The dataset encompasses a wide variety of data types, including but not limited to: - Numerical data: Post-processed simulation data and calculations. - Visual data: plots illustrating findings. These data are provided in two folders. The description of these folder and their files is as follows: A) The folder "OptimizationResults" includes: - the dataset ParetoFrontsPoints.mat with the 50 points of the Pareto front obtained by optimization for the different control schemes: Control1 CPC, Control2 CPC+Fore, Control3 CPC+Side, and Control4 Full the dataset MCDMoptimalDesigns.mat with the optimal solutions [ISE,CVR,STD] selected from the Pareto fronts by using the MCDM: SAW, TOPSIS, VICKOR, and the average of them. - the file codeParetofigures.m generate the figures 5 and 6 in the paper about the 3D Pareto fronts and their 2D projections. - Figure files in the MATLAB format .fig for Figures 5 and 6 in the manuscript. - the file Spider3.xlsx with the normalized spider diagram in the CPC solution for optimized objectives of Figure 7 in the paper. B) The folders "SimulationResults" includes: - tha datset SimulationData.mat with the simulation data obtained with each optimal control scheme; order: CPC TFC AGTC Full - Files codeSimulationfigures.m, which is used to treat and generate the data for Tables 3 and 4 and figures from 8 to 12 in the manuscript - Functions f_CVR.m, f_ISE.m, and f_espectroFFT.m, which are used in the previous file to calculate the CVR index, the ISE, and the FFT of signals, respectively. - Figure files in the MATLAB format .fig for Figures 8 to 11 in the manuscript. - the file Spider_Otherdata.xlsx with the normalized spider diagram in the CPC solution for different performance indices of Figure 13 in the paper.



Universidad de Cordoba


Wind Turbine, Multi-Objective Optimization, Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación


Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía

