An LCA impact assessment model linking land use and malnutrition-related DALYs
This data contains the spatially explicit results of the paper "An LCA impact assessment model linking land use and malnutrition-related DALYs". This are ASCII raster data files generated in ARCGIS. They contain the characterization factors (CF) of the paper. The units are DALY/km2 (i.e. 10^-6 DALY/m2). there are three CF: - Domestic impact: DALY_km2_DOMESTIC.TXT - Trade-induced impact: DALY_km2_TRADE.TXT - Total impact: DALY_km2_TOTAL.TXT The raster resolution is 5 arc minutes.
Steps to reproduce
The dataset provides detailed results of the following paper (link below): Ridoutt B, Motoshita M, Pfister S (2019) An LCA impact assessment model linking land occupation and malnutrition-related DALYs. Int J Life Cycle Assess 1–11. doi: 10.1007/s11367-019-01590-1 The paper desribes the methodology and information to reproduce this dataset.