Isophya rizeensis thermal data

Published: 2 August 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k33mgpn9mx.1
Arda Cem Kuyucu


The file holds 4 sheets: 1) heating_data; heating essays of paired dark and light morphs of bush cricket Isophya rizeensis under solar radiation, listing the values for difference of dark and light morphs for mass, heating rate, ln transformed heating rate, and mean attained maximal temperature values, also the measurements of solar radiation, ambient temperature and wind speed are included. Data is prepared for a paired T test. 2) Heating_Plots: Raw data of the heating essays, data is prepared by exporting recorded temperatures values from a Fluke 54/II thermometer to Fluke ViewForms software. 3) Field_Temperature: Field recorded values for Isophya rizeensis. Ta: Ambient Temperature, Tb: body Temperature, solar radiation, vegetation height and Body length and Temperature excess (Tex). 4) Melanism Data: Melanism parameters with altitude for Isophya rizeensis. Dorsal images of the Isophya were taken by a Leica MZ7.5 stereomicroscope with embedded camera. Processed first by Leica application suite (LAS) software than imageJ. Pictures were taken as RAW converted to TIFF format for transfer and converted to 16 bit grayscale before analysis. Automatic white-balance were used. The degree of melanism was measured as the mean grayscale darkness value of the pixels of a polygonal area covering the dorsal area between the 2nd and 9th abdominal tergites with 255 meaning completely black and 0 meaning completely white.


Steps to reproduce

In order to assess the degree of measurement error, we also took pictures of the upper body part for some crickets, for 22 crickets both pictures shared a large area. We measured the black pixel rate of the exact same location and we calculated the absolute difference between two pictures for the crickets. Mean difference was 1.23±0.88 pixels.


Natural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Thermal Analysis
