Data repository for "A petrogenetic study of apatite in Chang’E-5 basalt: implications for high sulfur contents in lunar apatite and volatile estimations for the lunar mantle"

Published: 30 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k37fwxgtvw.1
Huijuan Li


This is the data repository for the paper entitled "A petrogenetic study of apatite in Chang’E-5 basalt: implications for high sulfur contents in lunar apatite and volatile estimations for the lunar mantle" by Huijuan Li and coauthors. The sample studied (CE5C0800YJYX013GP) is provided by the China National Space Administration (CNSA). It contains two basaltic clasts set in a one-inch epoxy mount. This data repository includes compositional data for apatite and melt inclusions acquired using Electron Microprobe, relevant literature data on apatite and melt inclusions from lunar samples plotted in figures, and an EXCEL sheet displaying the fractional crystallization modeling performed to reproduce the volatile zoning in apatite. Different from apatite from Apollo mare basalts, apatite compositions reported here have low F and high Cl and S (up tp 3000 ppm) characteristics. This study presents an explanation for such high Cl and S contents in apatite and implications for volatile estimations in the CE5 lunar mantle.



Apatite, Sulfur, Moon, Volatile Element, Basalt
