Software Quality Grades for MI Software

Published: 4 May 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/k3pcdvdzj2.2
Ao Dong


The data provides a summary of the state of the practice for Medical Imaging (MI) software (as of August 2021). The summary is based on grading a set of 29 MI products using a template of 103 questions based on 9 software qualities. The raw data obtained by measuring each software product and the template used to grade the software are found in the SoftwareGrading-MI.xlsx file. We use the first section of the template to collect general information, such as the name, purpose, platform, programming language, publications about the software, the first release and the most recent change date, website, and source code repository of the product, etc. Information in this section helps us understand the projects better and may be helpful for further analysis, but it does not directly affect the grading scores. We designed the following nine sections in the template for the nine software qualities. For each quality, we ask several questions and the typical answers are among the collection of "yes'', "no'', "n/a'', "unclear'', a number, a string, a date, a set of strings, etc. Each quality needs an overall score between 1 and 10 based on all the previous questions. All the last three sections are about the empirical measurements. For some qualities, the empirical measurements also affect the score. We use tools to extract information from the source code repositories. For projects held on GitHub, we manually collect additional metrics, such as the stars of the GitHub repository, and the numbers of open and closed pull requests.



McMaster University


Software Quality Assessment
