Personality Traits and Social Loafing, Moderating impact of Individualism as culture

Published: 20 December 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k3ym65vgdp.1
Syed Asad Abbas Bokhari


H1a: Group members with a high level of Conscientiousness in the team will be less likely to engage in social loafing. H1b: The association between conscientiousness and social loafing will be moderated by the individualistic behavior of group members such that individuals in the group with the personality trait of conscientiousness will be less likely to engage in social loafing when they are more individualists and the relationship between neuroticism and social loafing will be weakened with the addition of moderator. H2a: Members with a high level of Neuroticism in the group will be more likely to engage in social loafing. H2b: The relationship between neuroticism and social loafing will be moderated by the individualistic behavior of group members such that individuals in the group with the personality trait of neuroticism will be more likely to engage in social loafing when they are more individualists and the relationship between neuroticism and social loafing will be strengthened with the addition of moderator.


Steps to reproduce

We collected data using above given questionnaire and measured it on 5-point Likert-scale. After collecting data, we calculated average of four questions asked in each component to investigate our proposed hypothesis further. Higher average of conscientiousness denoted to more efficiency at workplace which is positive sign and have negative relationship with social loafing. On the other hand, Neuroticism is negative trait which has positive relationship with social loafing. Social Loafing is negative attitude at work while working in groups or teams so higher number in SL means low work performance of the individual.


Inha University


Culture, Individual Ability, Personality Trait, Job Performance
