Data for: Equilibrium of simple crater counts on the lunar maria is primarily set by diffusive degradation due to spatially heterogeneous distal ejecta

Published: 11 March 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k4cmcmhrtj.1
David Minton, Caleb Fassett, Bryan Howl, Masatoshi Hirabayashi, James Richardson


This file contains the scripts and data used to generate all figures in the manuscript. The file contains animations of the simulations presented in the manuscript. Description of movie files Movie S01 (proximal) is the output of the simulation in which only the degradation arising from the slope-dependent mass redistribution of proximal ejecta of the primary production function is modeled. Movie S1 corresponds to Figure 9 of the main text. Movies S02-S03 (micrometeoroid) are the output of the simulations in which an enhanced micrometeoroid population is added to the production function. Two cases are shown, one in which the resolvable crater production SFD has a slope of η=3.2 (S2) and one in which we modeled a slightly shallower production SFD slope of η=3.0. Movie S2 corresponds to Figure 11 of the main text. Movies S04-S10 (uniform) are the output of the simulations in which with additional extra diffusion added over a uniform region with radius f_e r, with K_(d,1) determined by solving equation (32) of the main text for the equilibrium SFD (n_(eq,1)=0.0084 and β=2) given a value of f_e. Here we have varied f_e from 3 to 50. Movie S4 (f_e=3) corresponds to Figure 14 of the main text, and Movie S8 (f_e=10) corresponds to Figure 15 of the main text.   Movies S11-S12 (ray) are the output of simulations in which additional extra diffusion is added over a spatially heterogeneous region mimicking crater rays. Two ray models are tested (see Figure 16 of the main text for the degradation scale “intensity function” for these two models). Both models use values of K_(d,1) needed to match the observed equilibrium SFD. Movie S12 corresponds to Figure 18 of the main text. Movies S13-S17 (etatest) are the output of simulations testing whether the analytical model given by equation (30) of the main text correctly predicts the dependence on the equilibrium SFD when the production function slope, η, is varied. In these simulations, η is varied between 2.6-3.8. We fix the value of K_(d,1), f_e=3, and ψ=2 for the solution to the observed equilibrium SFD for η=3.2, (see Movie S4). Movies S18-S21 (psitest) are the output of simulations testing whether the analytical model given by equation (30) of the main text correctly predicts the dependence on the equilibrium SFD when the degradation function slope, ψ, is varied. In these simulations, ψ is varied between 1.8-2.4. We fix the value of K_(d,1), f_e=3, and η=3.2 for the solution to the observed equilibrium SFD for ψ=2.0, (see Movie S4).



Planetary Geomorphology
