Survey on lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, out-of-body experiences, and false awakening
The outcome of the survey of 981 respondents on phase state (PS): lucid dreaming (LD), sleep paralysis (SP), out-of-body experiences (OBE), and false awakening (FA). The survey took place in Moscow, Russia (March 16-17, 2019) Survey The study took place on March 16th and 17th, 2019 in the form of a live survey on the streets of Moscow, Russia. A group of nine assistants was instructed to ask passersby a list of specific questions regarding our study. Since this study was a voluntary, non-experimental survey, no ethical approval was needed. Questions and personal data The questionnaire contained seven questions: 1 – sleep duration (SD), measured in average number of hours for all days per week. 2 – dream memory (DM/DRF) frequency, with the options of ‘never,’ ‘sometimes,’ ‘often,’ and ‘cannot answer.’ 3 – LD frequency, with the options of ‘never,’ ‘once,’ ‘sometimes,’ ‘often,’ and ‘cannot answer.’ 4 – FA frequency, with the same options that were given for the third question. 5 – SP frequency, with the same options that were given for the third question. 6 – OBE frequency, with the same options that were given for the third question. 7 – overall awareness (AW) about practices like lucid dreaming, astral projecting, or OBE, with the options of ‘no,’ ‘yes,’ and ‘cannot answer.’ Four more questions were asked to obtain respondents’ personal information (age, name, gender, and phone number). All the filled-out questionnaires were saved in their original physical form and in scanned copies. Statistical analysis To create PS data we united LD, OBE, FA, and SP data. If there were at least two ‘yes’ or ‘once’, it was counted as ‘sometimes’ for PS. If there were at least three answers ‘sometimes’, it was counted as ‘often’ for PS. If there were at least one ‘often’, it was counted as ‘often’ for PS. Rows: 1) ANKET - application form number; 2) SLEEP GROUP 5 - SD: <5, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, >10 hours; 3) SLEEP GROUP normal 5-10 - SD: <5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, >10 hours; 4) SLEEP GROUP normal 6-9 - SD: <6, 6-9, >9 hours; 5) SLEEP GROUP normal 7-8 - SD: <7, 7-8, >8 hours; 6) SLEEP HOURS - SD in hours; 7) DREAMS often - DM: often or not often; 8) DREAMS yes/no - DM: recall dreams or not; 9) DREAMS - DM in detail; 10) PHASE yes/no - PS: happened or not; 11) PHASE often - PS: often or not often; 12) PHASE oftenN - PS: how much often in LD/SP/OBE/FA; 13) PHASE - PS in detail; 14) LD often - LD: often or not often; 15) LD yes/no - LD: happened or not; 16) LD - LD in detail; 17) FALSE often - FA: often or not often; 18) FALSE yes/no - FA: happened or not; 19) FALSE - FA in detail; 20) PARALYSIS often - SP: often or not often; 21) PARALYSIS yes/no - SP: happened or not; 22) PARALYSIS - SP in detail; 23) OBE often - OBE: often or not often; 24) OBE yes/no - OBE: happened or not; 25) OBE - OBE in detail; 26) KNOW - awareness of LD or OBE practices; 27) AGE GROUP 10 - age by decades; 28) AGE GROUP 5 - age by half of decades; 29) AGE - age by years; 30) SEX - gender.