Land ownership in Northwest Forest Plan region of Washington, Oregon and California

Published: 8 November 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k5nj539vc2.1
Ben Phalan


Geographic information systems (GIS) shapefile identifying classes of land ownership within the Northwest Forest Plan region (plus a 50 km buffer) in the United States of America, including parts of the states of Washington, Oregon and California. The ownership categories identified are: federal, state, private industrial, private non-industrial, private conservation, indian, other and unknown. This dataset should be regarded as preliminary, has no official status, and the creator takes no responsibility for any errors. The layer has been clipped to state boundaries, and to within a 50 km buffer of the NWFP boundary. The dataset was developed to investigate the trajectories of vegetation change (older forests and early-seral ecosystems) and changes in bird populations within different ownership categories before and after the implementation of the Northwest Forest Plan. This analysis is described in a paper which will be linked here when published.


Steps to reproduce

The sources used to assemble this dataset are described in the metadata file associated with this dataset: All_merge_metadata.txt. Links to relevant datasets are included as "Relevant Links". I thank the following for providing data: Luke Rogers at University of Washington, Katherine Morrison at Oregon Department of Forestry, and Mark Rosenberg at CAL-FIRE.


Oregon State University College of Forestry


Forestry, Geographic Information Systems, United States of America, Conservation of Biodiversity, Coniferous Forest, Forest, Land Ownership, California, Oregon, Washington, Plantation, Polygon
