knowledge and practice of menstrual hygiene, A cross sectional study among high school girls in Mangalore Taluk
Knowledge on menstrual hygiene and practicing, it plays a critical role in preserving the health of women around the world. The unsafe menstrual hygiene practices (MHP) that lead to an overall lower quality of life. However, menstrual health and hygiene demands can be unmet in poor nations due to gender inequity, prejudiced societal norms, cultural taboos, poverty, and a lack of basic amenities like restrooms and sanitary products.The study concluded that most of the high school girls in Mangalore Taluk were following an average level of MHP. A small number of people were still falling behind due to their ignorance and inexperience. It is very important to set up suitable disposal facilities in schools and to organise awareness campaigns on good menstrual hygiene habits. Thus, it contributes to improving quality of life.