Gait Dataset of 14 Syrian above-knee amputees and 20 healthy subjects
1. File 01 Subjects information.xlsx: N sheet contains healthy participant’s gender, age in years, height in m, and weight in kg, while AMP sheet contains additional information about amputation and prosthesis: years since amputation, amputated side, cause of amputation, K- level(Medicare Functional Classification Levels (MFCL), and prosthetic component (prosthetic foot, knee socket and socket suspension). 2. File 02 spatio-temporal parameters.xlsx : Spatio-temporal parameters are in two sheets ( N for healthy subjects and AMP for above-knee participants). Each variable starts with acronym AVE means that value is the average of three gait cycle for the considered side (Left or right in normal subject or Prosthetic and intact in above knee amputee . The distance parameters include step width, step length, and stride length In meters, while temporal parameters (in seconds) include: gait cycle duration, stance phase duration, swing phase duration, double support duration, and speed. 3. File 03 lower limb joint angles in sagittal plane.xlsx: three lower limb joint angles are calculated: ankle dorsiflexion-Plantarflexion AFE, knee flexion-extension KFE, and hip flexion-extension HIPFE. All angles were measured in degree where positive values mean flexion angle. 4. File 04 ground reaction force components.xlsx contains three components of ground reaction force: the vertical, Anterior-Posterior AP, and Medial-lateral ML . They were measured using a force plate, smoothed using piecewise cubic interpolation, and display as a percent of subject's body weight. 5. File 05 lower limb joint moments in sagittal plane.xlsx : three external moments in sagittal plane are: ankle dorsiflexing-Plantar-flexing moment AFE , knee flexing- extending moment KFE, and hip flexing extending moment HIPFE that all were measured in N.m/body mass, and defined according to [1] where positive values are flexing moments. Figure 3 shows mean values of ground reaction force components and lower limb joints moments in the sagittal plane for healthy subjects surrounded by one standard deviation, in addition, mean values for both legs of above-knee amputees (intact and prosthetic).
Steps to reproduce
Clinical gait analysis was performed using the optoelectronic system with passive markers (BTS SMART_D, BTS, Milan, Italy) that consists of six cameras and two force platforms (9281EA kistler, Switzerland). All devices acquired data at a sampling rate 200Hz. The 22 markers were placed according to Davis Heel protocol. Three main steps: 1. subject preparation: subject information and body measuring were taken, then retro-reflective markers were adhesive on her/his body. 2. raw data acquisition: data were acquired at standing (one trial) and walking (3-5 trial) 3. gait parameters calculation: calculated based [1] ,then the average of three trials of walking were taken as values for gait parameters. [1] R. Davis, S. Ounpuu, D. Tyburski, J. Gage, A Gait Analysis Data Collection And Reduction Technique, Hum. Mov. Sci. 10 (1991) 575–587.