2022 Ground Truth Dataset - windshield survey - Chai Badan, Lop Buri, Thailand
This database was collected for agriculture statistics related work by our field survey experts in Chai Badan district, Lop Buri province, Thailand, in July 2022. As the fieldwork result, 108 points were collected by windshield survey using the QField mobile application from inside a passenger vehicle. According to GT database format, our database contains 108 records of a geographic layer in shapefile format (point), and the geographic coordinate system is GCS_WGS_1984. In addition, each record corresponds to a point format with ten attributes, including a unique feature ID, the format of the feature (such as point), type of land cover of the point, type of crop of the point, name of the ground truth point when collecting in the field, date and time of the ground truth data collection, X and Y coordination of the point, and intercrop (presence or absence of intercropping [single crop, mixed crop, etc.]).