Published: 2 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k6ckh38bj5.1
Angel Gonzalez, , Description
Two projects in C++ to help programmers to design a GUI for a microcontroller ESP32 connected to a touch screen TFT (controller ILI9488). The project "myDesktopProject" is for Visual Studio Community 2022 and must be used to design the GUI and simulate its behaviour. Once that the result is the desired, the project inside the folder "uc" must be loaded to compile and upload to the ESP32. More information at the paper "Libraries and tools for the design of a GUI on a touch screen controlled by ESP32" In this repository, you can also find the schematic and PCB file showing the connection between ESP32 and TFT.
Universidad de Jaen
Automation Engineering, Human-Machine Interface