Referral by a Gastroenterologist to a Complex Intervention Under Deep Sedation with a Short Lead Time is Associated with High Adherence to Appointments

Published: 18 October 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k6dg7m78m8.1
hasan yılmaz


Endoscopy unit appointment non-adherence predictors data set


Steps to reproduce

The data on demographic parameters, specifically age, gender, type of scheduled intervention, lead time (the interval between the appointment request and the endoscopy appointment), postal address, marital status, referring physician, type of sedation and, finally, the presence of malignancy as a comorbidity, were extracted for analysis from the hospital’s electronic health records. These parameters served as independent variables, and non-attendance of the scheduled appointment was a dependent variable. The endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedure was classified independently. Endoscopic ultrasonography and oral double-balloon enteroscopy were assessed in the gastroscopy group, while anal double-balloon enteroscopy was included in the colonoscopy group. Patients over 18 years old who scheduled an appointment for intervention at the endoscopy unit were included in the study. Recurrent patient appointments were identified, and such patients’ last appointments were analyzed. The appointment outcomes of patients who had more than two appointments in a year were also analyzed separately. In our facility, despite communication channels, patients mostly never showed up, and they infrequently canceled their appointments in advance. Not showing up to an appointment and cancelations by the patients 48 hours prior to the procedure were both considered non-attendance. Procedures canceled by the endoscopist and same-day procedures referred from the emergency department or inpatient services were excluded from the study. Travel distance in kilometers (km) and time in minutes (min) between the endoscopy unit and the patient’s postal address were calculated using Google Maps.


Kocaeli Universitesi Tip Fakultesi


Adherence (Medicine)
