OpenSign - Kinect V2 Hand Gesture Data - American Sign Language
Published: 23 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k793ybxx7t.1
Osama MazharDescription
The attached file is a sample video of 10 volunteers who recorded 10 static gestures from American Sign Language. The dataset actually contains RGB and registered depth images in png and bin formats respectively. The letters/numbers taken from American Sign Language are A, F, D, L, 7, 5, 2, W, Y, None. Please contact osamazhar[at]yahoo[dot[.com to get complete data.
Steps to reproduce
The complete dataset include full-hd RGB images and registered depth images. RGB images are saved in .png format while the depth images are saved in .bin files to preserve float values in the images. A C++ code will be provided to read the .bin files and convert the image data into cv::Mat format.
Gesture Analysis