Rice Supply Chain in West Java Province, Indonesia

Published: 22 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k7c2sgmsj5.1
Muhammad Arief Budiman


Data used to develop the DEA Model of the rice supply chain in West Java Province, Indonesia. The data is collected from five supply chain actors (farmers, rice millers, middlemens, wholesalers, and retails) in five regency in the West Java Province. The study that utilizes this data, aims to analyze the efficiency of the rice supply chain in West Java using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method . The analysis shows that inefficiency exists in all supply chain points of the rice supply chain . Furthermore, the results show that various internal and environmental factors may be responsible for inefficiency at each point along the supply chain. Each obstacle is unique to the specific point within the supply chain.



Universitas Padjadjaran Perpustakaan


Agriculture Industry
