Simulated Suspended Sediment Discharge for South America Rivers (MGB-SED AS) - V1.0

Published: 5 January 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k7c5482fsm.1


We provide a dataset of simulated suspended sediment discharge for South America rivers using daily hydrologic-hydrodynamic modeling. We simulate the potential natural situation, where rivers is no damming, and therefore, sediment are not trapped. The model MGB-SED AS was calibrated and validated against 595in-situ sediment stations from three national datasets: Brazilian, Agentinean and Colombian. We also compared our results against regional studies and a global model. The data provided for us are: - NetCDF file named '' with daily suspended sediment discharge (t/day) for all (33749) simulated river reaches from 1992-2009. - shapefile named "QSS_MGB-SED_AS_annual.shp" with annual suspended sediment discharge (t/year) for all (33749) simulated river reaches from 1992-2009 and their respective drainage areas. - shapefile named "stations.shp" with the lat lon for each in-situ sediment station, domain, drainage area, and simulated river reaches ID (UnitCat).


Steps to reproduce

We recommend reading our research: "Sediment flows in South America supported by daily hydrologic-hydrodynamic modeling" published by the journal Water Resources Research.


Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Sedimentology, Environmental Geoscience
