Fibre evidence retrieval optimisation

Published: 27 January 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k7cnx2c84n.1
, Zoe Jones,


To use this dataset, download and extract the zip file that it contains, then read the user guide that is provided in that file. As described in that guide, this dataset is intended to be helpful to those tasked with the optimisation, validation and/or verification of methods of fibre evidence recovery from crime scenes. It contains interactive plots which summarise the main findings of a quantitative experiment that was carried out by Staffordshire University in conjunction with Warwickshire & West Mercia Police as part of an ISO17020 accreditation study (Jones, Gwinnett and Jackson, 2018). This experiment was concerned with establishing the effect of four factors on target fibre retrieval rates achieved by self-adhesive tape from a range of surface types. The factors were: • Tape type. Two brands of tape were tested, namely J-Lar and Crystal Tabs. • Tape storage temperature. One roll of each of the two tape types was kept at each of -5, 19 and 35 °C then used to retrieve target fibres at 19 °C with the minimum of delay between removal from the controlled temperature environment and deployment. • Taping method. Two methods were used, namely zonal and 1 to 1. In the former, each piece of tape was contacted several times with different areas of the surface in question, whilst in the latter there was only one such contact per piece of tape used. • The surface from which the target fibres were recovered. There were twelve of these, namely Brick, Ceramic tile, Cushion cover, Glossed MDF, Jeans, Jumper (i.e. a sweater), Long carpet, Plywood, Seatbelt, Short carpet, T-shirt and Tracksuit trousers, each commonly encountered in crime scenes. Reference: Jones, Z V, Gwinnett, C and Jackson, A R W (2018). The effect of tape type, taping method and tape storage temperature on the retrieval rate of fibres from various surfaces: An example of data generation and analysis to facilitate trace evidence recovery validation and optimisation. Science and Justice. DOI: 10.1016/j.scijus.2018.12.003, available from (accessed 7 Jan 2019).



Staffordshire University


Recovering Evidence
